Believe in a happy life

Below is a list of things you can do to make your life happier. Use them every day and enjoy your li

Below is a list of things you can do to make your life happier. Use them every day and enjoy your life this year.

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Believe in a happy life

Below is a list of things you can do to make your life happier. Use them every day and enjoy your life this year.

the health:

1- Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince and have dinner like a beggar.

3. Eat more vegetables than processed foods.

4- Live with these 3 to E:

Energy Empathy Enthusiasm

5. Get help from sports.

6- Play more.

7- Read more books than last year.

8- Be silent for 10 minutes a day and think.

9-7 hours of sleep.

10. Walk for 10 to 30 minutes every day and smile while walking.


11- Do not compare your life with anyone: You do not know what is going on between them.

12- Do not have negative thoughts, instead spend your energy on positive things.

13- Do not do too much.

14- Do not take yourself too seriously.

15. Do not spend your energy prying into other people's affairs.

16- When you are awake, fantasize more.

17- Jealousy means wasting time, you have everything you need.

18- Forget the past .. Do not remember your partner's past mistakes. This will destroy your peace of mind.

19. Life is too short to hate others. Do not hate others.

20- Be friends with your past so as not to ruin your present ...

21. No one is responsible for making you happy except yourself.

22. Know that life remains a school where you have to learn things. Problems are part of the curriculum and are like an algebra class.

23- Laugh more and smile.

24. You do not have to win every argument. Sometimes there is opposition.


25- Call your family and relatives from time to time.

26. Give something good to others every day.

27- Forgive everyone's mistake for anything.

28- Spend time with people over 70 and under 6 years old.

29- Try to smile at least 3 people every day.

30. What others think of you is not up to you.

31- When your job is sick, your job will not help you, but your friends will help you, so stay in touch with them.


32. Do positive things.

33. Avoid anything useless, ugly or unhealthy.

34. Love heals everything.

35. Every situation, good or bad, is transient.

36. No matter how you feel, you should get up, put on your clothes and be in the community.

37. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you should be thankful for your existence.

38. Most of you are happy, so be happy.

Last but not least:

40. Please send these items to anyone you know.

Help make positive messages always present in the world and see its reflection in your life.

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